Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Why "Chunky Learning"?

What is "chunky learning"?

There's a joke that goes something like this: "How do you eat an elephant?" with the answer being "One bite at a time."

Same goes with learning. For me and other busy (and easily bored) people, the best way to learn is in bite size chunks. Sometimes I will learn five minutes of this, ten minutes of that, and so on. In today's fast paced world, who has the time to spend days in training?

That is one of the reasons I like this kind of learning: online learning, book summaries, magazines, and Internet searching. Now once in a while I take a "real class" (in fact once in a while I teach a class.) But most of what I learn is in chunky-format.

So I hope that you, my blog reader, will get some "chunks" of learning from my blog.

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