Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Reading Today: Persuasive Presentations for Business

Today (and a bit yesterday and a chunk a month ago) I have been reading a book called "Persuasive Presentations for Business" by Robert W. Bly. I ordered it from Amazon.

The reason that I picked up this book is because I had to give a presentation about change management and was frankly a bit nervious. This was a ten minute presentation to a CEO and her staff, and I was browzing the books and found this one. I am glad I did!

This book, which is written in an easy to understand style, gives some great tips on how to write the speach, how to engage the audience, etc. The author has a "number one secret" which I am going to let you in on because you are so nice in reading my blog.

"When I am speaking to a group," Bly writes, "I look into the audience as I begin talking, find one person who is looking back at me, and make eye contact. Then, I talke to just that one person as if we were having a private, one-on-one conversation. I know everyone else can hear us. But notice: I am not 'giving a lecture' or 'making a speech,' those activities that the average person approaches with fear and trepidation. Instead, I am just having a conversation with one person."

When I speak to big groups, I always like to meet people at the door, shake their hands, and try to find a person who seems genuinly interested in what I am going to talk about. That is the person who I give my presentation to: someone who I know and not to strangers.

Now I am preparing for another big presentation (this one for a group of 300 executives) and I am going to use some of the tips and secrets that I am learning in this highly readable and concise paperback: Persuasive Presentations for Business.

click here to see it on Amazon

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