Friday, January 30, 2009

Pecha Kucha for Chunky Learning

I was just out surfing the 'net, and found some interesting stuff about a presentation technique they call Pecha Kucha

"Each presenter is allowed 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds each - giving 6 minutes 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up. This keeps presentations concise, the interest level up, and gives more people the chance to show."

Just pondering what could be the implications for training in a concise way? with Pecha Kucha the slides change automatically every 20 seconds... so it forces the story along, forces the ideas to be focused.

(This reminds me of a time back around 1995 when I was working on a project in Santiago Chile, and one of the managers was giving a presentation using PowerPoint. This was back when using PowerPoint was still novel. He had something like 80 slides, and 5 minutes, and he used the PowerPoint feature that made every slide change automatically. Do the math. Went something like this... "I am presenting today about the mission and vision of our.... ok next slide! we feel that our most important values are the values of.... sorry but it is going to fast... here you can see the list of our strategies, which are ranked here from the most ...... next slide now..." )

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