Thursday, August 6, 2009

Why Should You Learn?

The first point of Malcolm Knowles Adult Learning Theory is "Adults have a need to know why they should learn before investing time in a training event." How can you build that into your training programs? This is what I like to do...

In the first few minutes of a training class, always ask people what issues matter to them, as related to the training. Write these down on a flip chart.

For example, I did a quick course on writing development plans this week. I asked the class "Why does training and development matter to a company like yours?" I then wrote down their responses on a white board.

Then get the learners to elaborate:
--“How many of you think that...?”
--"Of those that did not raise your hands, do you think….?”

Another training tip: You don't need to say "raise your hand if you think that"... if you just raise your hand as a trainer, the learners will get the idea!

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