Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Broadband Talent Management Plans

Not all development plans are alike. Based on your situation and career objectives, you may find one of these plans helps you improve your performance.

Development Plan Focus on development of weak areas to bring them up to an acceptable level.
Enhancement Plan Focus on development of average areas to bring them to an above average level.
Good to Great Plan Take a strength and build it to an exceptional level of expertise.
Workaround Plan Recognize a weakness and create a plan on how to achieve good results anyway.
Substitution Plan Recognize a weakness, and create a plan to use a strength to overcome the weakness.
Redeployment Plan Use strengths in assignments/projects that play to that strength.
Capitulation Plan Choice to give up trying to improve a weakness.
Compensation Plan Plan to dampen the effect of overuse of a skill by using other compensating skills.
Rerailment Plan Brings people back into line that have fallen off the career track.
Marketing Plan Plan to inform others of the individual’s talents.
Skills Transfer Plan Focus on using strengths the individual has in one job, to a new job.
Exposure Plan Give opportunities to try untested skills in challenging new assignments.
Confidence Plan Increase confidence and self-esteem by playing to unrecognized strengths
Insight Plan. Help individual understand their blind spots
Diagnostic Plan Clarify confusion that exists around strengths/weaknesses through assessments, ratings, evaluations, etc.
Assessment Plan Discover deep underlying problems that affect performance and behavior.

Based on the book “Broadband Talent Management, 16 Paths to Improvement” by Robert Eichinger, Michael Lombardo, and Alex Stibler

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